Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington

The Algebraic and Geometric Classification of Four Dimensional Superalgebras

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posted on 2021-11-01, 22:25 authored by Armour, Aaron

The algebraic and geometric classification of k-algbras, of dimension fouror less, was started by Gabriel in “Finite representation type is open” [12].

Several years later Mazzola continued in this direction with his paper “Thealgebraic and geometric classification of associative algebras of dimensionfive” [21]. The problem we attempt in this thesis, is to extend the resultsof Gabriel to the setting of super (or Z2-graded) algebras — our main effortsbeing devoted to the case of superalgebras of dimension four. Wegive an algebraic classification for superalgebras of dimension four withnon-trivial Z2-grading. By combining these results with Gabriel’s we obtaina complete algebraic classification of four dimensional superalgebras.

This completes the classification of four dimensional Yetter-Drinfeld modulealgebras over Sweedler’s Hopf algebra H4 given by Chen and Zhangin “Four dimensional Yetter-Drinfeld module algebras over H4” [9]. Thegeometric classification problem leads us to define a new variety, Salgn —the variety of n-dimensional superalgebras—and study some of its properties.

The geometry of Salgn is influenced by the geometry of the varietyAlgn yet it is also more complicated, an important difference being thatSalgn is disconnected. While we make significant progress on the geometricclassification of four dimensional superalgebras, it is not complete. Wediscover twenty irreducible components of Salg4 — however there couldbe up to two further irreducible components.


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Date of Award



Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Rights License

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Degree Discipline


Degree Grantor

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Degree Level


Degree Name

Master of Science

Victoria University of Wellington Item Type

Awarded Research Masters Thesis



Victoria University of Wellington School

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science


Zhang, Yinhuo