Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington

Analysis and Diagnostics for Censored Regression and Multivariate Data

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Version 3 2023-03-14, 23:27
Version 2 2023-03-13, 23:54
Version 1 2021-11-10, 10:58
posted on 2023-03-14, 23:27 authored by Aziz, Nazrina

This thesis investigates three research problems which arise in multivariate data and censored regression. The first is the identification of outliers in multivariate data. The second is a dissimilarity measure for clustering purposes. The third is the diagnostics analysis for the Buckley-James method in censored regression. Outliers can be defined simply as an observation (or a subset of observations) that is isolated from the other observations in the data set. There are two main reasons that motivate people to find outliers; the first is the researcher's intention. The second is the effects of an outlier on analyses, i.e. the existence of outliers will affect means, variances and regression coefficients; they will also cause a bias or distortion of estimates; likewise, they will inflate the sums of squares and hence, false conclusions are likely to be created. Sometimes, the identification of outliers is the main objective of the analysis, and whether to remove the outliers or for them to be down-weighted prior to fitting a non-robust model. This thesis does not differentiate between the various justifications for outlier detection. The aim is to advise the analyst of observations that are considerably different from the majority. Note that the techniques for identification of outliers introduce in this thesis is applicable to a wide variety of settings. Those techniques are performed on large and small data sets. In this thesis, observations that are located far away from the remaining data are considered to be outliers. Additionally, it is noted that some techniques for the identification of outliers are available for finding clusters. There are two major challenges in clustering. The first is identifying clusters in high-dimensional data sets is a difficult task because of the curse of dimensionality. The second is a new dissimilarity measure is needed as some traditional distance functions cannot capture the pattern dissimilarity among the objects. This thesis deals with the latter challenge. This thesis introduces Influence Angle Cluster Approach (iaca) that may be used as a dissimilarity matrix and the author has managed to show that iaca successfully develops a cluster when it is used in partitioning clustering, even if the data set has mixed variables, i.e. interval and categorical variables. The iaca is developed based on the influence eigenstructure. The first two problems in this thesis deal with a complete data set. It is also interesting to study about the incomplete data set, i.e. censored data set. The term 'censored' is mostly used in biological science areas such as a survival analysis. Nowadays, researchers are interested in comparing the survival distribution of two samples. Even though this can be done by using the logrank test, this method cannot examine the effects of more than one variable at a time. This difficulty can easily be overcome by using the survival regression model. Examples of the survival regression model are the Cox model, Miller's model, the Buckely James model and the Koul- Susarla-Van Ryzin model. The Buckley James model's performance is comparable with the Cox model and the former performs best when compared both to the Miller model and the Koul-Susarla-Van Ryzin model. Previous comparison studies proved that the Buckley-James estimator is more stable and easier to explain to non-statisticians than the Cox model. Today, researchers are interested in using the Cox model instead of the Buckley-James model. This is because of the lack of function of Buckley-James model in the computer software and choices of diagnostics analysis. Currently, there are only a few diagnostics analyses for Buckley James model that exist. Therefore, this thesis proposes two new diagnostics analyses for the Buckley-James model. The first proposed diagnostics analysis is called renovated Cook's distance. This method produces comparable results with the previous findings. Nevertheless, this method cannot identify influential observations from the censored group. It can only detect influential observations from the uncensored group. This issue needs further investigation because of the possibility of censored points becoming influential cases in censored regression. Secondly, the local influence approach for the Buckley-James model is proposed. This thesis presents the local influence diagnostics of the Buckley-James model which consist of variance perturbation, response variable perturbation, censoring status perturbation, and independent variables perturbation. The proposed diagnostics improves and also challenge findings of the previous ones by taking into account both censored and uncensored data to have a possibility to become an influential observation.


Copyright Date


Date of Award



Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Rights License

Author Retains Copyright

Degree Discipline

Statistics and Operations Research

Degree Grantor

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Degree Level


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Victoria University of Wellington Item Type

Awarded Doctoral Thesis



Victoria University of Wellington School

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research


Wang, Dong Qian