The Strategic Nature of the Wellington Regional Land Transport Strategy 2007-2016
The purpose of the RLTS is to guide the region's transport spending over the next ten years. This study seeks to determine how strategic it is in terms of key environmental, economic and social outcomes: amenity and amenity access, air quality, accessibility, and low-income groups' transport affordability. Strategic is defined as how well the RLTS will function under potential future circumstances and its internal coherency and consistency. The resilience and adaptability of the RLTS to that range of potential futures is also analysed. The RLTS' priority is increasing regional accessibility, however due to 20+ years of underinvestment in the PT infrastructure, especially rail, targets set towards that goal are limited. Amenity and air quality are both considered to not require much intervention, but amenity services would be more adequately served if they were considered on par with air quality. Transport affordability to the community and users, especially low-income groups, was not given warranted attention. Therefore, four out of five of the outcomes appear to be well balanced. The RLTS objectives and outcomes are rather resilient, while the implementation plans are adequately adaptable with annual monitoring reports and final decisions which are also made on an annual basis. However, this can lead to inconsistencies between the Strategy and its implementation plans. The RLTS is therefore starting to head in a more sustainable direction, but the internal coherency and consistency is somewhat lacking.