The Relationship between Kitwood's Model of Needs and a Student's Music Therapy Practice in an Acute Assessment Unit for People Living with Dementia and Mental Health Issues
This study focused on reviewing a student's music therapy practice at an acute assessment unit for people living with dementia and mental health issues, finding links between the placement philosophy, and new ideas about practice. Kitwood's (1997) book on personhood and the needs of people who are living with dementia and other mental health issues appeared to resonate with the student music therapists' practice. This was supported by the active use of his model of needs by nursing staff at the placement. Investigations looked specifically at Kitwood's model of needs; how music therapy links with his philosophy and how interventions during practice connected to those needs. The data was draw from descriptive clinical notes using secondary analysis. The rich qualitative data was analysed using deductive and inductive methods. Findings are presented under Kitwood's model of needs, forming the five categories for the study. The main themes within these categories were then summarised and explanations given under both Kitwood's model of needs and music therapy interventions used to meet them. Though the findings are qualitative, specific to this study and not necessarily generalisable, several links within music therapy practice, and nursing practice revealed the importance and need for more person-centred individualised care programmes for patients in mental health settings.