Representations of Space in Hades’ Underworld
This thesis explores the world of Hades (Supergiant 2020) and analyses the inspirations for its environments through a comparison to ancient sources. After establishing Hades’ context and history as an incredibly popular videogame, I examined the various landscapes and their ancient counterparts. I did not, however, attempt to make a topographical map of any of the Underworlds I investigated, as this is impossible with the sheer range of features, themes and ideas that each author has for their vision of the Underworld. There are clear references to Hesiod, Virgil, Homer and Aristophanes in the world building of Hades, and I identified clear changes or inclusions to Supergiant’s Underworld. The exploration of Hades would not be as effective without the use of specific theories in videogame design. I link Hades’ linear structure to the theme of katabasis performed by the main character, which defines him as a reimagined Greek hero. The presence of residents in specific regions immerses the player further as they travel through the Underworld. The inclusion of recognisable beings such as Cerberus and Sisyphus both reassures the player as they move through unknown territory and creates a richer landscape. However, their stories have been altered to suit a contemporary audience, supporting Supergiant’s reinterpretation of Hades for a modern world.