Practice-based Reflection: Considerations for Re-engineering Secondary Healthcare in New Zealand
Re-engineering is the "buzz" word of the nineties. Re-engineering has been successful in industry. Now the principals of re-engineering are being applied to healthcare. Considerations for re-engineering secondary healthcare in New Zealand will be examined in this literature review, which is divided into two sections. The first section provides the aims of the literature review, my background interest and knowledge of the topic, it's relevance to nursing practice, plans for addressing the literature review, and proposed sources of information. Section two illustrates the learning contract to manage the task of conducting the literature review. It identifies timelines for managing the project and agreed arrangements for communication with my mentor. Finally, a report will address my progress in relation to my learning contract articulating insights gained and hopes and dreams for successfully incorporating process re-engineering in my area of nursing and midwifery practice in the future.