One More Rainy Day
FADE IN: LED-screen filtered stock footage: TIDAL WAVES decimate cities. MEDIEVAL WOODCUTS of the Deluge, Noah's boat on huge waves. INT. BOOKSHOP - DAY.The MONTAGE CONTINUES on a shiny LED SCREEN: LIGHTNING STORMS crackle above a RAGING VOLCANO. TRIBAL PAINTINGS of winged serpents sparking from flame. The screen sits at the centre of a TABLE FULL OF BOOKS. A SIGN beside the table: " MARTIN WEAREY - SIGNING INSTORE TODAY". A patient LINE of customers queue for the author. Onscreen, SNOWSTORMS obscure the FAINT SUN. CUSTOMERS glance occasionally at the onscreen display: NORSE ART depicts THE WORLD TREE withering in ice. At the queue's HEAD, a trestle-table at which sits MARTIN himself, beside a large DUSTJACKET PHOTO of same. He's a pudgy fellow in his LATE 60s, greying hair roughly combed. Martin SMILES as a fan presents him with a STACK OF BOOKS ...