Ngā Whare Rau o Te Tahinga: Rakaipaakatanga and Post-Settlement Futures
This thesis explores what it means to be Ngāti Rakaipaaka today and how this ‘being’ may influence post-settlement futures for the iwi and its members. This thesis is a celebration of contemporary, dynamic, diverse and flourishing Rakaipaaka Māori. The understandings that are presented are the result of an extended stay in Nuhaka (part of Rakaipaaka’s rohe or tribal territory), nine interviews with ten contributors and countless informal conversations, including online, with members of Rakaipaaka. With these understandings as well as a discussion of the skills, assets and aspirations of the Rakaipaaka community this thesis explores how understandings of being Rakaipaaka may be incorporated into post-settlement futures. It argues that there is importance in diversity as well as unity, and asserts that for post-settlement development models to be successful they must reflect the diverse range of Rakaipaakatanga – Rakaipaaka identity. At the same time, the models need to be practical, responding to the challenges and problems Rakaipaaka face today and may face in the future. In essence, they must uplift and develop Rakaipaaka people in positive, sustainable, and Māori ways.