Magazines for youth? : a comparative content analysis of two New Zealand juvenile periodicals
This research project investigated the readership of two New Zealand youth magazines during the period 1945-1947. The magazines, Conquest: the magazine for youth, and Junior Digest: the magazine for girls and boys, were subjected to a content analysis which attempted to capture details of the readers, and describe the types of articles in each magazine in an attempt to discover what kinds of reading tastes young people of the period had. The project produced a description of the kinds of content that were present in the two magazines and in what quantities. By combining this content analysis with demographic data of the readers themselves, who contributed to the magazines by sending letters, jokes, competition entries and jokes, this research was able to show who the specific group of readers were and make conclusions about what they liked. By contrasting the results, it was determined that there were slight differences in the content of the magazines which may have accounted for the failure of Conquest to continue after July 1947, but that the data provided by the content analysis alone was insufficient to allow insight into the broader periodical reading tastes of New Zealand youth in the second half of the 1940s.