I don't know you, Random Man: Adolescent female perceptions of procedural justice during police contact
This study explored female adolescent perceptions of procedural justice during police interactions in New Zealand. Available research on youth and procedural justice, is male-focused or treats youth as homogenous. No recent research has investigated female interactions with police, although police are the gatekeepers to the criminal justice system, and the rate of female incarceration is increasing rapidly in New Zealand. This qualitative study is feminist-informed and employed semi-structured interviews of 11 female adolescents who had experienced police contact within the previous five years. Transcripts of these interviews were subjected to thematic analysis and three key themes were identified: invasion of space, communication of authority, and presentation of risk. The results indicate that gender dynamics do influence female adolescents in their navigation of these three themes, and thereby, impact their perceptions of procedural justice during police encounters.