IT Project Governance and Stakeholder Conflict Resolution
IT projects have long been problematic, particularly as they have grown in size and complexity, frequently integrating several organisational functions, and often involving many stakeholders as a result. A common problem with large, complex IT projects is stakeholder conflict. Unless conflict is resolved effectively, there is a risk that the project will suffer delays and struggle to make progress. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role that environmental factors, such as culture, power, and history, play in conflict resolution. This study also examines how IT project governance can moderate the negative effects of environmental factors, and facilitate more successful conflict resolution. A systems perspective is used to represent the research framework. A positivist, qualitative research method using three case studies is used to examine the nature of conflict resolution in IT projects, comparing and contrasting outcomes. IT project governance arrangements (policies, authority structures and mechanisms) are found to be critical to the way stakeholder conflict is resolved