How Do Business People Rank Requirements Representations for Information Systems?
The research question that summarises the primary research goals is: How do business people rank their intentions to use different requirements representations for information systems? An additional goal of the research is to understand the determinants that contribute to these intentions. Business people in this research are defined as working people who are not in an information systems role. The requirements representations evaluated were Prose Narrative, Image Narrative, Diagram Narrative and Video Narrative. The results of this research show that business people rank their intention to use the requirements representations in the following order: Prose Narrative, Image Narrative, Diagram Narrative and Video Narrative. The determinants that influence the intention to use a representation are: Job Performance, Effort, Attitude to a Representation, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Self-Efficacy, Anxiety, Freedom of Choice, Experience, Age and Gender. This research shows that the influence of each of these determinants on the intention to use a representation is significantly different for each requirements representation.