Get Wavy: Introducing irregularity into modular timber housing
The construction industry accounts for 23% of global CO₂ emissions each year¹. Coupled with contemporary pressures of urbanisation, there is demand for increased density construction². To improve the relationship the industry has with the environment it must reconsider its construction methods and material choices. Engineered timber is a sustainable and structural solution for these issues. Commonly when building with engineered timber, traditional construction methodologies are applied. The material is simply used as a replacement for steel and concrete and does not explore the tectonic opportunities available. This results in the same monolithic multi-story buildings. This research portfolio offers a new approach to flexible modular housing using cross-laminated timber (CLT). It is researched through an adaptable urban housing complex. It explores the tectonics of CLT and develops a diverse design language that offsets how the material has been traditionally used. The design research was conducted through a series of design-led experiments comprised of four key phases; the problem, the exploration, the parts and the test. The problem researched key issues around CLT. This highlighted current deficiencies in the design of timber medium-density housing in New Zealand. The research explores the specific tectonics of CLT as an engineered timber product. Developing a series of components that can be assembled on various urban sites. This process translated into a singular site-specific test in Te Aro, Wellington. The implications of this research are to provide an alternative approach to urban medium-density housing using engineered timber technology. The result of this process is the design of a modular system of interlocking dwellings that can be optimized to site and that optimise the visual and spatial opportunities of engineered timber. Offsetting the current design language of medium-density timber buildings and proposing visual and spatial improvements to inner-city living in New Zealand. ¹ (Huang, Krigsvoll, Johansen, Liu, & Zhang, 2018) ² (Wellington City Council, 2015.)