Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington

Factors Affecting Staff Demand for an Electronic Course Materials Service

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posted on 2021-11-10, 05:39 authored by Amarathunga, Upeksha Sajeevani

Additional reading materials that are prescribed for undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by the University of Auckland have a high demand. The Electronic Course Materials (ECM) service of the University of Auckland Library digitizes and provides online access to such materials. The demand for the ECM service varies between different staff members. Thus, this research project aims to investigate the factors affecting the staff demand for the Electronic Course Material (ECM) service provided by the University of Auckland Library. The current research revealed that - percentage increase in usage of the ECM Collection in 2008 was less significant than that in 2007 - there is a correlation between the academic staff awareness and the staff uptake of the ECM service - only 50% of the staff members who were aware of the ECM service used the service to digitize course materials - subject Librarians play an important role in promoting the ECM service in academic departments / units that had a high staff uptake - the Library ECM webpage was less significant in promoting the ECM service - the University of Auckland Library does not have a standard method of promoting the ECM service throughout all the academic departments / units - most preferred method of providing access to course materials was through nDeva, Cecil and WebCT. The ECM service was the third preferred method - there was no relationship between the timeliness of the ECM service, restriction on the types of materials that can be digitized through the ECM service, availability of distant or online courses and the staff uptake of the ECM service Recommendations mentioned in page 61 were made based on these findings.


Copyright Date


Date of Award



Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Rights License

Author Retains Copyright

Degree Discipline

Library and Information Studies

Degree Grantor

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Degree Level


Degree Name

Master of Library and Information Studies

Victoria University of Wellington Item Type

Awarded Research Masters Thesis



Victoria University of Wellington School

School of Information Management


Smith, Alastair