Constitutional by Nature: The Accountability Function of the New Zealand Parliamentary Press Gallery
The New Zealand Parliamentary Press Gallery fulfil a vital accountability function within New Zealand’s democracy. This appears to be constitutional in nature. Despite the importance of its role, there has been little scholarship which seeks to understand the form and function of the Press Gallery, particularly in an accountability context. In this dissertation I seek to build a foundational understanding of the accountability function of the Parliamentary Press Gallery. In doing so I consider The Gallery's foundation, form and function and explore how these interact to facilitate one of more important, yet unknown, accountability fora within New Zealand's democracy. This papers analysis serves as a valuable foundation for understanding the Press Gallery in accountability terms. It highlighted a range of shortcomings in The Gallery's function, as well as the unusual fit of The Gallery in comparison to other, similar, accountability bodies within New Zealand's constitutional arrangements. It also indicates that the form and function of the Press Gallery is constitutional by nature.