Capture, Create, Manage: The experiences of New Zealand government departments in meeting the requirements of the Electronic Recordkeeping Metadata standard
Research problem: One of the key challenges for electronic recordkeeping is the creation, capture and ongoing management of metadata. The Electronic Recordkeeping Metadata Standard establishes minimum requirements for the New Zealand public sector in accordance with the Public Records Act 2005. This research examines how the recordkeeping systems used by government departments meet the requirements of the metadata standard and what factors influence compliance. Research methodology: This qualitative research surveyed all twenty-nine public sector agencies classified as government departments in the State Sector Act 1988. This was followed up with interviews with seven participants from six departments. Results: This paper found that departments are harnessing the capability of their systems to create, maintain and manage metadata with the resources available. Interviewees showed they look for opportunities to influence the design of new systems and to enhance functionality. Technological factors greatly impact on the extent to which a department can meet the requirements of the standard. A focus on business processes and user needs has resulted in purposeful departures from the standard and a move beyond recordkeeping metadata. Implications: The development of innovative tools and practices by departments has the potential to meet the business/user needs of the organisation and comply with the requirements of the standard. Suggestions have been made as to how the standard could better serve departments dealing with these multiple priorities and technological factors.