Are automated daylight control systems working as they should?
Lighting in office buildings can account for approximately 30% of electrical use. This provides an opportunity for energy efficient technologies to be implemented to reduce this load. Automated daylight control systems are part of a growing industry, based on complex electronics and careful placing of light sensors. In an economy that is accepting the need for energy reduction due to the realisation of limited fossil fuels, it is important to maintain and enhance energy efficient systems. Research highlighted that previous studies would either use a physical measuring approach or an occupant survey to understand how well automated daylight control systems are working, but never both. This thesis combined both of these approaches to quantify how much energy automated daylight control systems are saving while ensuring that occupant satisfaction and comfort is maintained. Four office buildings within Wellington city were therefore analysed to investigate the average energy saving from automated daylight control systems. Energy savings reported from other research studies ranged from 15% to 80%, with an average of 49%. The savings from the four buildings researched in this thesis average 20% savings. The surveys further indicated that all occupants within each of the buildings were satisfied with both natural and artificial lighting in their working environment. Glare was however highlighted as an issue.