As part of the Veracity Technology Spearhead research project funded by the Science for Technological Innovation (SfTI) National Science Challenge, Catalyst Cloud has been engaged as a technology partner in a co-design process to construct a blueprint for a National Data Infrastructure (NDI) for Aotearoa New Zealand. This NDI blueprint takes ideas developed as part of the research project, and transfers them into an applied context with the goal to prepare for implementation with a clear sight to day-2 support and provisioning.
This document outlines the technical, regulatory and social context into which the NDI would be introduced, and the key principles and requirements at play. It goes on to propose a technical implementation for the NDI, and aligns it with Aotearoa New Zealand’s Digital Identity Services Trust Framework (DISTF). It presents a very high level design, discusses design principles, alternatives, tradeoffs and decisions.
Enabling End-to-end Veracity Within Value Exchange Ecosystems (NSC07) | Funder: Callaghan Innovation