posted on 2020-09-20, 01:54authored byNoam Greenberg, Linus Richter, Saharon Shelah, Daniel Turetsky
We extend results found by Greenberg, Turetsky, and Westrick
in [7] and investigate effective properties of bases of uncountable free abelian groups. Assuming V = L, we show that if κ is a regular uncountable cardinal and X is a ∆11(Lκ) subset of κ, then there is a κ-computable free abelian group whose bases cannot be effectively computed by X. Unlike in [7], we give a direct construction.
Preferred citation
Greenberg, N., Richter, L., Shelah, S. & Turetsky, D. (n.d.). More on bases of uncountable free abelian groups.