For many inverse problems, the data on which the solution is based is acquired sequentially. We present an approach to the solution of such inverse problems where a sensor can be directed (or otherwise reconfigured on the fly) to acquire a particular measurement. An example problem is magnetic resonance image reconstruction. We use an estimate of mutual information derived from an empirical conditional distribution provided by a generative model to guide our measurement acquisition given measurements acquired so far. The conditionally generated data is a set of samples which are representative of the plausible solutions that satisfy the acquired measurements. We present experiments on toy and real world data sets. We focus on image data but we demonstrate that the method is applicable to a broader class of problems. We also show how a learned model such as a deep neural network can be leveraged to allow generalisation to unseen data. Our informed adaptive sensing method outperforms random sampling, variance based sampling, sparsity based methods, and compressed sensing.
Preferred citation
Morssy, A., Frean, M. R. & Teal, P. D. (2023). Informed Adaptive Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PP(99), 1-12.