Dynamic Resistance Measurement of a Four-Tape YBCO Stack in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field
journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-30, 02:51 authored by Zhenan JiangZhenan Jiang, W Zhou, Christopher BumbyChristopher Bumby, M Staines, Q Li, Rodney BadcockRodney Badcock, Nicholas LongNicholas Long, J FangDynamic resistance occurs when HTS (high-temperature superconductor) coated conductors carry dc current under ac magnetic field. This dissipative effect can play a critical role in many HTS applications. Here, we report on dynamic resistance measurements of a four-tape YBCO stack comprising 4-mm-wide coated conductors, which experience an applied ac perpendicular magnetic field with an amplitude of up to 100 mT. Each tape within the stack carries the same dc current. The magnetic field amplitude, the frequency of the magnetic field, and the dc current magnitude are varied to investigate the influence of these parameters on the dynamic resistance. We find that the threshold field of the stack is significantly larger than that of a single tape when dc current is small, which we attribute to coherent shielding effects from circulating currents present in each wire in the stack.
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Preferred citation
Jiang, Z., Zhou, W., Bumby, C. W., Staines, M., Li, Q., Badcock, R. A., Long, N. J. & Fang, J. (2018). Dynamic Resistance Measurement of a Four-Tape YBCO Stack in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(4), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2017.2787178Publisher DOI
Journal title
IEEE Transactions on Applied SuperconductivityVolume
4Publication date
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)Publication status
PublishedContribution type
1558-2515Article number
ARTN 8200305Language
enUsage metrics
Coated conductordynamic resistancestackScience & TechnologyTechnologyPhysical SciencesEngineering, Electrical & ElectronicPhysics, AppliedEngineeringPhysicsTRANSPORT CURRENTAC LOSSESSUPERCONDUCTORGeneral PhysicsElectrical and Electronic EngineeringMaterials EngineeringInterdisciplinary Engineering not elsewhere classifiedElectronic and Magnetic Properties of Condensed Matter; SuperconductivityCondensed Matter PhysicsEngineering Instrumentation
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