We report Raman studies of GdN and LuN, two of the rare-earth mononitrides that form a series of mostly intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductors. Their rock-salt structure supports no first-order Raman scattering, but, nonetheless, we find a density-of-modes pattern expected for nearly point-defect scattering, an intrinsic two-phonon scattering spectrum, and an LO feature that appears independent of defect concentration. The results are compared with the phonon dispersion calculated within a density functional theory treatment indicating that computed phonon frequencies are smaller than measured, with the disagreement rising to ∼30% for the TA branch. Contrary to the previous assumption of defect-induced scattering at the L point, we propose that the observed LO feature arises from LO(Γ) scattering induced by the Fröhlich interaction, similar to what has been observed in YbS.
Preferred citation
Van Koughnet, K., Trodahl, H. J., Holmes-Hewett, W. F. & Ruck, B. J. (2023). Defect-activated versus intrinsic Raman spectra of GdN and LuN. Physical Review B, 108(6), 064306-. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.108.064306