The aim is to assess the combined effect of diffusion and dispersion on shocks in the moderate dispersion regime. For a diffusive dispersive approximation of the equations of one-dimensional elasticity (or p-system), we study convergence of traveling waves to shocks. The problem is recast as a Hamiltonian system with small friction, and an analysis of the length of oscillations yields convergence in the moderate dispersion regime (Formula presented) with (Formula presented), under hypotheses that the limiting shock is admissible according to the Liu E-condition and is not a contact discontinuity at either end state. A similar convergence result is proved for traveling waves of the quantum hydrodynamic system with artificial viscosity as well as for a viscous Peregrine-Boussinesq system where traveling waves model undular bores, in all cases in the moderate dispersion regime.
Preferred citation
Bolbot, D., Mitsotakis, D. & Tzavaras, A. E. (2023). DISPERSIVE SHOCKS IN DIFFUSIVE-DISPERSIVE APPROXIMATIONS OF ELASTICITY AND QUANTUM-HYDRODYNAMICS. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 81(3), 455-481.