Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington

Technology management from a socio-technical transitions perspective

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conference contribution
posted on 2021-08-16, 09:29 authored by IH de Kock, Alan BrentAlan Brent
This paper presents the contributions that a socio-technical transitions perspective can make to the concept of technology management, and more specifically to the challenges faced by the technology management discipline. These challenges faced by the technology management discipline are predominantly compounded by factors that relate to either the changing environment within which technology has to be managed, or to the ever-increasing need to mange our resources in such a way that would ensure a sustainable future. This paper thus discusses the challenges that face technology management, from both a theoretical and practical perspective, and explores the topic of technology management through the lens of socio-technical transitions. The frameworks and approaches that underpin the concept of socio-technical transitions are placed opposite technology management with the aim of understanding what alternative or new insights into technology management we can gain. The increasing need to transition from unsustainable socio-technical systems to sustainable socio-technical systems is continuously creating new challenges and opportunities, and managing technology in a way as to effectively bring about such transitions to sustainability need to be captured in technology management approaches, and converted into value through effective and dynamic management of technology towards sustainability. This paper provides an overview of technology management, and discusses the critical challenges faced by the technology management discipline. A discussion of the concept of socio-technical transitions, and the most prominent frameworks and approaches developed within this field of research is subsequently provided. The paper concludes with insights gained and lessons learnt from the socio-technical transitions literature, that could contribute towards new or alternative insights into the challenges facing technology management.


Preferred citation

de Kock, I. H. & Brent, A. C. (2020, January). Technology management from a socio-technical transitions perspective. In 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017 (pp. 966-986).

Title of proceedings

26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017

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