Early paradox research in organization theory contained a remarkable breadth of inspirations from outside disciplines. We wanted to know more about where early scholarship found inspiration to create what has since become paradox theory. To shed light on this, we engaged seminal paradox scholars in conversations: asking about their past experiences drawing from outside disciplines and their views on the future of paradox theory. These conversations surfaced several themes of past and future inspirations: (1) understanding complex phenomena; (2) drawing from related disciplines; (3) combining interdisciplinary insights; and (4) bridging discourses in organization theory. We end the piece with suggestions for future paradox research inspired by these conversations.
Preferred citation
Bednarek, R., Lewis, M. W. & Schad, J. (2021). Conversations and inspirations for organizational paradox scholarship. Research in the Sociology of Organizations (73b, pp. 175-200). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0733-558X2021000073b014